15 Must-Have Business Development Tools in 2024

William Cannon
Last updated on July 13, 2024
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    Transforming leads into sales relies on sequence, personalization, and insights – pillars that specialized business development platforms deliver through automated workflows, centralized customer data, and advanced analytics tailored for high-performance sales teams. This guide spotlights 15 essential tools spanning lead generation to contract management that combine forces into an ecosystem, assisting reps in executing proven processes for decisive pipeline and business growth when adopted holistically.

    15 Essential Business Development Tools in 2024

    Transforming promising leads into closed deals relies heavily on sequence, automation, and insights – capabilities that specialized sales or business development systems designed for BD and SDR teams’ unique needs unlock. Rather than cobbling together disjointed spreadsheets and consumer tools, purpose-built platforms at each workflow phase empower greater productivity and control.

    When properly connected, the best business development tools combine into ecosystems that assist teams at scale in executing repeatable, optimized processes proven to convert. Below is a breakdown of the essential technologies for business development reps that equip them with the information and time needed to focus on building meaningful customer relationships through personalized engagement.

    Sales Intelligence Tools

    Manually researching prospects and contacts cuts critical selling time for business development reps without scale or sustainability. Sales intelligence tools help uncover the precise firmographic and technographic details that signal high-potential targets for initial outreach and meaningful conversations.

    Robust platforms aggregate, analyze, and surface the contextual intel that keeps reps steps ahead, including company sizes and growth, technologies used, contact roles, and buying intents. Reps waste less time scouring websites and piecing fragments together by providing targeted, actionable data direct to sales workflows.

    360-degree views ranging from current supplier analysis to projected IT budgets also enable personalized messaging that resonates. Syncing intelligence profiles with CRM and outreach tools allows seamless data accessibility when reps need it most. For compliance, ethical data policies ensure that contacts who opt out never receive communication.



    UpLead is a B2B lead generation tool designed to maximize sales team efficiency by providing access to a vast database of potential leads with over 40 data points per lead. It is tailored for businesses seeking to enhance their prospecting process with accurate, actionable data. Here are the key features and benefits of using UpLead:

    • Bulk Lookup & CRM Export: Facilitates the research of thousands of leads simultaneously and allows for easy export to CRM systems, streamlining the lead generation process.
    • Technographics & Firmographics: Offers detailed insights into company technologies and firmographic information, aiding in the identification of high-potential targets.
    • Intent Data: Identifies leads actively seeking products or services, enabling timely and relevant outreach.
    • Data Verification: Ensures high data accuracy with a real-time verification, boasting a 97%+ accuracy rate for email validations.
    • Integration: Allows seamless integration with CRM and outreach tools, ensuring data is accessible when needed.
    • Ethical Data Policies: Adheres to ethical data practices, including compliance measures for contact opt-outs.

    UpLead prioritizes efficient prospect targeting and meaningful engagement by providing critical sales intelligence directly into sales workflows. This approach minimizes time spent on manual research, allowing sales teams to focus on what they do best: selling.

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    Centralizing the myriad emails, calls, meetings, notes, and touchpoints that make up the prospect and customer relationships is no small challenge without the right systems. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms provide sales and marketing teams with an invaluable single source of truth on past interactions and current data to personalize conversations and experiences.

    Robust CRM solutions sync essential engagement and communication channels into a unified interface for managing lead and account lifecycles. Features range from timeline tracking to automated segmentation by lead score to nurture prospects until they convert and continue guiding strategy post-sale. Seamless integrations also append critical activity logging from productivity software, phone systems, and marketing databases to capture more insights.

    Equipped with a holistic context, sales professionals advise more meaningfully while leadership guides them more strategically. Access to historical data also ensures brand consistency through employee transitions. As the customer landscape evolves, CRM systems remain the intelligence nexus guiding teams through change.

    HubSpot CRM

    Hubspot CRM

    As an intuitive yet powerful free CRM platform, HubSpot empowers sales teams to track, nurture, and advise customers seamlessly. Lead prioritization features help reps identify where to focus by segmenting contacts based on lead score. Activity logging templates ensure consistency when tracking emails, calls, and meetings, while automated workflows trigger timely follow-ups based on prospect engagement.

    Seamless integrations with HubSpot marketing and business development tools provide end-to-end visibility from first touch to customer advocacy. For larger enterprises needing greater customization, Salesforce enables tailored objects, fields, and access settings across all systems.

    Email Outreach Tools

    Connecting and nurturing prospects with tailored email campaigns is key for business development, but manually crafting unique messages at scale can be extremely time-consuming without the right tools. That’s where email outreach platforms come in—they are designed to simplify orchestrating targeted outreach to generate more high-quality leads at speed.

    Robust solutions can instantly verify accurate contact data, rapidly build and deploy customized campaigns, schedule appropriate follow-up sequences, and provide in-depth performance tracking and notifications. Key capabilities include personalizing messages for each prospect with dynamic merge fields, integrating with central CRM data, and leveraging automation for repeated nurture touchpoints. The top products help sales teams scale one-to-one communication to fuel the pipeline.



    Mailshake is considered one of the best tools for email outreach due to its comprehensive features catering to sales development teams’ specific needs. When it comes to automation, Mailshake allows users to create personalized campaigns and schedule follow-up emails, automating the business development process and saving time. It offers advanced options for personalization, including dynamic content that adapts based on subscriber data and behaviors, ensuring that each email feels tailored to the recipient.

    In terms of analytics, Mailshake provides detailed tracking of email opens, clicks, and responses. This gives users valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns and the ability to optimize future outreach efforts. Furthermore, Mailshake integrates seamlessly with popular CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot, guaranteeing that prospect and customer data remains synchronized and accessible within the email tool. And regarding pricing, Mailshake starts at an affordable $44 per month while still including robust features like email campaigns, A/B testing, and detailed email tracking.

    Cold Calling Tools

    Manually dialing through lead lists to connect with prospects over the phone can become a tedious, repetitive task for business development reps. That’s where cold-calling solutions drive call efficiency and the human touch at scale. Top tools in this space help sales teams rapidly dial lists, replace manual, mundane tasks, and allow reps to focus purely on selling and advancing conversations.

    Powerful solutions provide auto-dialing with call analysis, embedded softphones, call scripts, and virtual coaching. Features like call recording, automated appointment scheduling, pre-qualified lead lists, and CRM integrations alleviate many time-consuming challenges. The robust solutions act as specialized sales assistants for maximizing prospect touches and nurturing promising leads until they convert into pipeline opportunities. 



    Klenty is a top cold calling system, and its multi-mode calling options are tailored to users’ specific workflows and outreach objectives. Whether reps need high-volume parallel calling for lead list clearing, concentrated power dialing for dedicated sessions, or tools for personalized call sequences, Klenty equips them to execute different strategies. Integration with CRM platforms also positions reps for seamless data accessibility during and between calls.

    Klenty further accelerates productivity by robotizing mundane pre- and post-call tasks, providing AI-powered coaching for sales technique refinement, and offering advanced analytics into conversion performance over time. With the platform caring for repetitive needs, reps can focus on crafting resonating conversations. For enterprise call center needs, Aircall offers more advanced dashboards, omnichannel support, and unlimited calls worldwide. 

    Appointment Scheduling & Calendar Management

    Juggling meetings, calls, and events across a business development team’s calendars can quickly spiral into double bookings, confusion, and missed opportunities without suitable systems. That’s where appointment scheduling and calendar management platforms come in to simplify coordination across all client and internal touchpoints.

    Top solutions make it easy for prospects to self-schedule time on reps’ calendars based on availability while empowering reps with at-a-glance views of their upcoming meetings. Seamless integrations across booking pages, video conference links, virtual locations, CRM records, and email calendars create an efficient customer lifecycle management system. 



    In a crowded marketplace for productivity tools, Calendly is the best overall appointment scheduling and calendar tool for business teams’ flexible needs. Users can configure event types specific to their role, automatically see colleagues’ availability when booking meetings, leverage round-robin routing to distribute bookings, and integrate calendar views across platforms for complete visibility.

    With customizable booking pages controlled by each rep, event buffer blocks between meetings, and calendar syncing with Office 365, Google Calendar, and Salesforce, Calendly solves the main scheduling roadblocks for teams. For more advanced features like payment tracking and cancellations management, Zoho Bookings caters to appointment-heavy businesses at similar price points. 

    Video Conferencing & Demo Software

    Advancing deals and nurturing prospects relies heavily on clear, effective communication and demo capabilities in an increasingly dispersed business landscape. Video conferencing and demo tools empower teams with reliable channels for remote meetings while showcasing products in customized environments.

    Top all-in-one solutions offer HD video and audio, digital whiteboarding, annotated screen sharing, chat, transcription, and recording functionality in one platform. This allows for seamless switching between collaborative meetings and more formal presentation modes. Integrated demo software enables product representation in situ or spun-up sandbox accounts for hands-on navigation. 



    Zoom continues to be the gold standard for converged video communications and demos, providing a frictionless meeting environment and breakout spaces for both one-on-one review and team co-piloting. AI enhancements like automatic transcription and virtual background optimization ensure users remain focused on the meeting, not technology management.

    Tools like TestBox also equip teams with customized demo portals to supplement standard screen sharing with hands-on product navigation. ON24 offers webinar-capacity events, engagement analytics, and lead qualification functionality for large enterprise needs.

    Sales Pipeline Tool

    Keeping an up-to-date view of deal progression is critical for business development leaders to support teams, identify sticking points, and double down on promising opportunities. Manually tracking deal updates across individual spreadsheets leads to scattered insights and incomplete pictures of what needs attention.

    Robust sales pipeline tools consolidate updates in centralized databases, applying automated scoring to surface hot, cold, and stuck deals while enabling snapshot views of forecasted revenues. Tailored workflows and on-the-go mobile access empower business development reps with control over advancing deals in structured sequences according to custom qualification criteria.



    Pipedrive earns top marks as a pipeline platform through its ease of use and enterprise-grade power balance. Reps benefit from deal ranking automation based on AI qualification, with customized pipelines that mirror proven sales processes. Multi-level user permissions allow fine-tuning visibility while slick native integrations sync updates from email chains, calendar bookings, and other systems. Pipedrive provides stellar usability for small businesses entering into larger-scale pipeline management needs.

    For larger enterprises, Salesforce Sales Cloud offers unmatched custom objects, rules engines, and advanced automation for sales organizations at scale. 

    Team Communication

    Clear communication fuels deal progression. When messages become fractured across disjointed platforms, response lag times creep up while visibility deteriorates. Team communication tools like Slack empower unified ecosystems for information sharing, enhancing transparency and agility.

    Top solutions consolidate instant messaging, file sharing, video chat, notifications, and integrations with other popular business apps into singular dashboards. Structured channels, organized by project, client, or region, enable teams to optimize information flows and access. Compliance-focused offerings also provide enterprise-grade security, data encryption, and e-discovery capabilities.



    Slack remains the gold standard for unified team communication, providing a swiftly navigable interface to relevant conversations, decisions, and working documents. Beyond chat, shared channels across cross-functional partners and actionable app integrations position Slack as a command center for business development teams.

    With highly customizable notifications and permissions settings, platform administrators can architect company-wide or group-specific communications hubs tailored to their structure and sales process. Slack Connect also facilitates secure collaboration with clients and partners outside the organization. For large enterprises, Microsoft Teams offers enhanced IT manageability at an enterprise-level enterprise

    Task & Work Flow Management

    Juggling an array of deal-specific tasks across individual to-do lists kills sales productivity while necessary actions slip through the cracks. Task and workflow tools like Asana empower transparent systems for distributing and tracking work at scale.

    Customizable platforms enable teams to replicate processes for lead outreach cadences, document handoffs, and contract approvals while setting automated reminders and notifications. Tailored views ranging from digestible checklists to milestones-based roadmaps provide different lenses into team priorities.



    Asana continues to excel as a category leader for its balance of usability and customizability, adapting to sales team processes with minimal friction. Collaborative workspaces unite related to-dos, conversations, attachments, and comments in one place, while personalized dashboards spotlight critical deadlines.

    Powerful filtering, reporting, and board views spotlight productivity metrics, keeping leaders informed on cycle times and completion rates. An extensive integration library enables vital system connections to CRMs, email inboxes, and other sales tools. If advanced workload automation and data visualization are essential priorities, Monday.com provides an enterprise-grade alternative. Monday.com’s customizable modules, charts, and reporting simplify planning sprints, tracking progress, and analyzing productivity.

    Automation Software

    Manual lead follow-ups and data entry tasks throttle business development productivity, diminishing adequate selling time for reps. Sales automation platforms tackle repetitive activities through customized rules that route leads, trigger timely follow-ups, and sync essential data flows.

    When properly configured, these tools become indispensable assistants that never drop the ball on sending newly qualified leads to assigned reps or updating changing deal statuses in the CRM. Functionality ranging from email and SMS sequences to contract/document generation with dynamic fields creates standardized systems scaled to growth. 

    HubSpot Sales Hub

    Hubspot Sales

    HubSpot Sales Hub earns top marks for connecting high-volume lead generation efforts to personalized follow-up processes tailored to each deal’s context. Workflows fueled by interaction signals automatically enroll prospects in relevant nurture tracks while keeping data, tasks, and notifications in sync.

    With its closed-loop reporting from email and calling campaigns back into contact/company records, HubSpot also empowers leaders to pinpoint inefficiencies in conversion processes. Pardot offers another alternative with advanced lead routing, scoring, and analytics for enterprise sales and marketing teams.

    Social Media Management Tools

    Curating a steady drumbeat of engaging social content alongside providing prompt customer service at scale is no small feat without automation. Social media management tools enable efficient scheduling across platforms while providing a command center for listening, engaging, and analyzing performance.

    Top solutions integrate directly with brand profiles and pages, allowing seamless posting without manual logins while maintaining look, feel, and voice. Robust tools also surface audience insights and emerging opportunities in brand mentions or influencer content. Social media can become the pulse for large enterprises’ real-time reputation or event response. 

    Sprout Social

    Sprout Social

    Sprout Social provides an intuitive hub to schedule, publish, engage, and report on social efforts across major platforms. Smart inbox simplifies notification triage by tag while powerful listening filters surface influencer, competitor, and industry trend analysis.

    Custom analytics and reports shine a light on engagement levels and sentiments of ongoing campaigns. For additional creative capabilities and employee advocacy features, Hootsuite caters to expanded use cases at added cost. Sprout delivers on the critical needs of most marketing and customer service teams starting their social journey.

    Documentation Software

    Managing institutional knowledge across teams, balancing client deliverables, and internal process improvement requires structured information flows. Scattered tribal knowledge stored in email chains and local files gives way to centralized wikis, user guides, and API references with dedicated documentation tools.

    Robust solutions empower technical writers while connecting subject matter experts across the organization. Features like in-line commenting, version control, and change management streamline collaboration while tight integrations remain steps ahead of product releases. Maintained well, documentation becomes the lifeblood for enabling internal use and customer self-service. 



    Confluence enables teams to liberate documentation from siloed apps into networked, navigable spaces with structured permissions. Granular access settings ensure sensitive info stays secure while various templates bootstrap new geo, product, or project wikis in seconds.

    Deep integrations with Jira, Bitbucket, and other Atlassian tools keep related systems in sync, retaining context across code deployments and requirements changes. Confluence provides the cornerstone for managing tribal knowledge at scale. For expanded API documentation needs, SwaggerHub automates reference content from annotations.

    Contract Management

    Managing critical client agreements in scattered folders and emails inhibits visibility into upcoming renewals and amendments and obscure terms from deal history. Best-in-class contract lifecycle management tools address these risks through sales automation.

    Capabilities range from centralized, searchable repositories and configurable workflow approvals to automated compliance checks to systematized document control. Advanced solutions apply AI for contextual recommendations in drafting processes, while API connections enable real-time syncing with leading e-signature platforms.

    Icertis Contract Intelligence 


    Icertis Contract Intelligence delivers advanced sophistication for global legal and procurement teams managing end-to-end contract lifecycles. Robust API integrations, clause libraries, and predictive risk analysis shore up compliance and optimize complex contracting workflows.

    Contract Hound provides a more basic yet affordable contract organization for growing companies without expansive legal oversight. But for enterprise-grade power across the entire contract lifecycle, Icertis Contract Intelligence firmly leads the pack.

    Data Room Software

    Facilitating secure document exchange with interested buyers, investors, and partners during transactions requires restrictive access and extensive auditing beyond email or consumer cloud services. Virtual data rooms centralize sensitive materials in tightly controlled online repositories with layered permissions to expedite due diligence.

    Advanced solutions include granular privacy settings, optimal hosting infrastructure, user activity logs, and multi-factor authentication in compliance with regulations. Immediate, platform-embedded support and intuitive interfaces reduce friction for contributors and reviewers accessing critical deal resources. 



    iDeals Virtual Data Room simplifies sharing confidential data by prioritizing air-tight security and ease of use. Encryption, access logs, and flexible viewer permissions safeguard information while straightforward controls assist administrators.

    In-platform support resolves user issues rapidly during time-sensitive processes. Custom branding and collaboration features enhance interactivity for authorized parties as deals progress. For improved data visualization capabilities, CapLinked integrates dynamic reporting and analytics.

    Prospecting Software

    Prospecting tools are vital for business development teams, enabling them to efficiently identify, research, and qualify new potential customers. These platforms provide access to extensive company and contact data databases, powerful filtering to pinpoint ideal targets, and integrations to sync prospect info directly to CRMs and outreach tools.

    Key benefits of prospecting tools include:

    • Fast lead generation: Quickly build targeted lead lists based on attributes like company size, industry, technologies used, and more.
    • Increased productivity: Prioritize outreach efforts on qualified leads instead of manual research and data entry.
    • Higher quality leads: Detailed firmographic data helps focus on prospects that fit your ideal customer acquisition tactics.
    • Maintained data accuracy: Real-time database updates ensure you have the correct contact info and company intel.
    • Improved sales efficiency: Streamline prospect data directly into your sales workflow tools to make achieving sales quotas easier


    Uplead Prospector

    UpLead is the top prospecting software for business development teams because of its verified, real-time database of 30+ million companies and contacts. Key features include:

    • Precise lead targeting with 70+ filters to segment by attributes like employee count, revenue, technologies used, and more.
    • Direct API integration into leading CRMs and business development tools, keeping all systems in sync.
    • Real-time database updates ensure accuracy and prevent wasted outreach to wrong contacts. 
    • Customized exporting, scheduling, and marketing automation to tailor and streamline lead generation. 

    UpLead is an essential business development tool for rapidly building a pipeline of qualified, sales-ready prospects. 

    FAQs About Business Development Tools

    Below are a few of the most frequently asked questions about business development tools.

    What is a business development tool?

    Business development tools are software applications designed to optimize processes for identifying, reaching, and closing new business. Key functions include lead generation, outreach automation, customer data management, and pipeline tracking.

    What software do business development managers use?

    Common business development software includes CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot for managing customer data, email solutions like Mailshake for outreach campaigns, and sales intelligence software like LinkedIn Sales Navigator for enhanced prospecting.

    What are the key skills for business development?

    Top skills include communication, negotiation, strategic thinking, sales management, interpersonal abilities, flexibility, problem-solving, and business acumen spanning financials, marketing, and partnerships.

    What You Need to Remember About Business Development Tools

    With robust technology now underpinning previously disjointed business development tasks, sales professionals redirect freed bandwidth towards building meaningful customer relationships powered by data-driven insights and time to focus on advisory conversations. Seamless integrations between platforms tackling campaign execution, pipeline visibility, and productivity management provide unified command centers. Propelled by purpose-built tools instead of makeshift spreadsheets, modern sales organizations amplify productivity, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value simultaneously.

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