Top 13 B2B Content Marketing Trends to Understand in 2024

William Cannon
Last updated on April 22, 2024
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    The world of B2B content marketing is becoming increasingly complex yet crucial. As audiences fragment across digital platforms, brands seek the latest trends and tools to create relevance at scale and connect deeply with customers. This overview unpacks key 2024 trends through examples, data, and strategic advice.

    Top 13 B2B Content Marketing Trends for 2024

    As technology reshapes customer touchpoints and buying journeys, B2B content marketing continues rapid transformation to deliver value. Emerging trends reflect a drive towards highly targeted, data-backed strategies centered on relevance. At the same time, creativity through compelling formats and personalized storytelling endures.

    This round-up highlights the top 13 trends influencing B2B content marketing success in 2024. From leveraging automation through AI to optimizing for organic discovery with programmatic SEO, the tactics showcase how digital maturity allows for enhanced personalization and efficiency.

    B2B Content Marketing Strategy 

    An integrated content strategy remains vital for B2B brands in 2024. Blending podcasting, video, and interactive formats cater to diverse preferences while increasing engagement.

    Yet, quality over quantity rules – each piece should target specific buyer needs. Optimized blogging builds SEO rankings and credibility. Gated offers like eBooks collect lead data, while consistent educational content nurtures customers through their unique journeys.

    Still, measuring content ROI presents challenges. While labor, software, and advertising drive costs, revenue impact remains tough to quantify. Yet benchmarks enable iteration.

    With no one-size-fits-all model, B2B marketers should focus first on defining goals and KPIs for content. What messages resonate with target personas? What content best moves audiences along the customer journey? Aligning content types and channels to objectives allows for more insightful performance analysis. Audiences, not assumptions, should inform data-backed strategies to demonstrate ROI.

    AI-Assisted Content

    AI propels a monumental shift in 2024 B2B content – from broad to hyper-targeted strategies. By unleashing datasets and predictive analytics, AI enables granular personalization and efficiency at scale.

    AI-driven forecasts based on historical data and buyer behavior promise unprecedented accuracy for sales teams. Marketers likewise tap AI to craft customized messaging and product recommendations through customer analysis. Chatbots scale instant interactions while AI generates optimized content across digital marketing channels.

    Per Sagefrog, 31% of B2B marketers now use AI for creative tasks. And for a good reason – enhanced relevancy boosts engagement. Yet, like any tool, AI should enhance human creativity. As marketers embrace this balance, they future-proof content strategies where each customer feels uniquely understood and supported through partnerships between human ingenuity and machine learning.

    Programmatic SEO

    Programmatic SEO has emerged as a key B2B content marketing trend for 2024. This data-driven approach focuses on creating landing pages at scale to target countless long-tail search queries with laser precision. Brands can efficiently reach specialized segments instead of a few broadly optimized pieces.

    As Ahrefs notes, programmatic SEO expands beyond traditional manual strategies to leverage automation for exponential relevance and volume. TripAdvisor and Yelp exemplify this tactic, capturing immeasurable combinations of travel searches. Similarly, Wise built currency pages for every conceivable exchange rate query.

    The key is offering tangible value per result, not just doorways. Although templates enable scalability, content must speak to users’ specific intent. Extensive keyword research, AI writing tools, and conversion optimization combine to make programmatic SEO attainable for B2B brands ready to expand their visibility across niche opportunities.

    Expertise is Everything

    Showcasing expertise now tops B2B content marketing priorities. In an era of information overload, demonstrating authority earns buyer trust and retention in the lead generation process. The trend marks a pivot from quantity to quality, with brands publishing invaluable insights over vanilla content.

    Research shows that sophisticated tracking also quantifies the impact of expertise-led strategies on the upper B2B marketing funnel. The proof lies in renowned examples like Autodesk’s longitudinal industry reports, HubSpot’s storied blogs, and Salesforce’s case study leadership.

    As B2B buyers grow more discerning, establishing thought leadership fuels engagement more than generalized blog posts ever could. Collaborating with internal subject matter experts helps build perspectives that customers crave.

    Yet simply creating content isn’t enough. Distilling tangible value through framing, format, and delivery channels optimizes expertise for audience needs. When B2B brands lead with credentials and convert knowledge into consumed wisdom, they shift from vendors to indispensable partners in customers’ eyes.

    The Rise of Video Content

    Video’s meteoric rise as the dominant content format accelerates, with 92% of users ranking video as their top choice. Given declining attention spans, creative visual storytelling now proves more engaging than blocks of text for B2B.

    YouTube retains its video throne for long-form content, while TikTok and Instagram lead for snackable content. LinkedIn has also emerged as a hybrid professional platform. AI now expedites editing and distribution, too.

    However, rather than length, the strategy should determine video type. As 51% are likelier to share video content, social clips can raise brand awareness. Case studies might warrant more detailed explanations. Some also opt for silent videos with captions to meet user viewing habits.

    With 78% of marketers dubbing YouTube as the most effective for video, the proof is undeniable. Short or long, silent or voiced, B2B brands should focus less on viral vanity metrics and more on aligning video formats and social media platforms to audience preferences. Video works when purpose and measurement guide creative experimentation toward meaningful engagement.

    Podcasts Are In

    Podcasts have hit the big time, with more than 500 million global listeners. For B2B marketers, they present a valuable way to share insights with customers and internet leads. Data shows podcast ad revenues could double between 2022-2025, projected to hit $4 billion as interest grows. Moreover, more than 4.3 million podcast episodes are published, with a significant number of new episodes annually. 

    Leading business podcasts like “Create Like the Greats” and “Demand Gen Chat” dive deep into tactics. Now, YouTube has become vital for video podcasting, providing a visual companion to a traditionally audio-centered medium. 

    As podcasts continue gaining listeners, B2B can’t ignore their marketing potential. Companies should leverage this trend by crafting podcasts aligned with their audience’s interests. Converting audio into video could also help content travel further. Repurposing across platforms allows for maximum mileage, too.

    The data shows that podcasting has entered the mainstream. For B2B marketers looking for new lead generation ideas and strengthening customer connections, now is the time to tune into podcasts as part of an integrated content strategy.

    More Interactive Content

    Interactive content like quizzes, polls, and VR enables active user engagement, differentiated brand experiences, and increased site time. This shift from passive to active is vital for B2B lead generation in 2024.

    As buyers seek more interactivity — with 91% of buyers reported seeking more interactive content — interactive content boosts conversions and B2B prospecting through personalized experiences powered by collected data. Per HubSpot, 14% of marketers prioritize interactive formats in 2024 to stand out.

    Key interactive content trends include AI-enabled personalization and immersive AR/VR integration for webinars and live events. As platforms like Spatial enable collaborative VR meetings, B2B marketers could showcase products to remote teams through virtual walkthroughs.

    Interactive content strategically differentiates brands by capturing audience attention for longer. B2B marketers should leverage data collection opportunities from quizzes, calculators, and assessments to fuel personalized marketing and sales approaches rooted in unique user insights.

    User Generated Content (UGC)

    User-generated content (UGC), like customer testimonials and reviews, enables B2B brands to highlight authentic experiences. Peer recommendations carry weight in purchase decisions, so UGC builds trust and community.

    As buyers increasingly seek brand transparency, UGC offers that coveted social proof. Curating and repurposing customer stories also benefit low-cost marketing strategies.

    Major 2024 UGC trends center on social media amplification and integration with influencers. For example, Cisco’s #WeAreCisco campaign leverages employee stories, while G2 Crowd’s user reviews influence software buys.

    Forward-thinking B2B marketers should consider an integrated UGC strategy in 2024, soliciting video testimonials or reviews for their website, social media, and targeted ads. With 86% of survey respondents trusting brands using UGC over influencer content, the business case is clear. Audiences want to hear from real customers before making critical purchasing decisions.

    Influencer Marketing & Social Media

    Influencer marketing and social media will evolve in 2024 to focus on authentic connections through targeted, data-driven campaigns. Key trends include long-term influencer partnerships, niche micro-influencer activations, and AI-powered analytics.

    For B2B specifically, LinkedIn presents significant influencer potential, while video dominates social content strategies. Behind-the-scenes peeks also build brand transparency. To deliver ROI, marketers are enhancing measurement beyond vanity metrics.

    Successful B2B influencer programs like Microsoft’s #MakeWhatsNext creative campaign with National Geographic demonstrate strategic alignment between brand and influencer. Meanwhile, internal thought leaders are being activated to tap their insider perspectives.

    As the influencer market size hits $24B, B2B marketers should explore dedicated budgets to neither get left behind nor succumb to inauthenticity. Moreover, 85% of marketers believe influencer marketing is adequate for their campaigns. The data shows an opportunity for brands willing to invest in strategic, long-term alignments with creators that allow personalities to shine through.

    Personalized B2B Content Marketing

    Generic content won’t cut it anymore – customers expect tailored experiences. Personalized content boosts engagement and loyalty through data-driven insights and interactivity.

    Key 2024 trends enable next-level personalization, like AI-powered dynamic content that evolves with users. HubSpot’s smart content tailors website experiences, while Salesforce Einstein fuels customized journeys. Interactive formats also allow personalized user paths based on preferences.

    Account-based approaches factor is also a factor, with 56% of marketers leveraging personalization for ABM per Forrester. By blending marketing and sales insights on target accounts, campaigns speak to specific pain points.

    The data shows that personalized content works. Yet human understanding must inform automated approaches to avoid superficial personalization. To stand out, B2B marketers should double down on researching buyers, mapping journeys, and truly demonstrating relevance through tailored messages. The human touch remains critical.

    Data-Driven Approach

    In 2024, guesswork won’t suffice – B2B marketing increasingly relies on complex data insights. From optimizing spend to personalizing experiences, analytics inform strategic decisions.

    Key 2024 data-driven marketing trends include real-time analysis for agile adjustments, predictive models to forecast behavior, and advanced AI integration for deeper intelligence. 

    The proof lies in the data itself. Data-driven companies see 5-8x more ROI than their non-data-heavy counterparts. Yet, with 87% of marketers underutilizing data and 49% of marketers feeling “significant pressure” to increase data’s role in their current strategy, gaps remain.

    Tools like Google Analytics, Salesforce, and HubSpot provide engagement and performance tracking. But human analysis is critical for context. B2B marketers must align around key business objectives and then leverage data and analytics to inform content strategies to meet those goals. With a clean data foundation fueling advanced insights, the path to true data-driven marketing comes into focus.

    B2B Content Marketing Budget Trends

    B2B marketing budgets in 2024 embrace an omnichannel approach, balancing digital and traditional activities. Per industry benchmarks, around 50% goes towards advertising and content.

    Video and thought leadership are top investment priorities within content budgets to drive community engagement and B2B sales. Still, quality trumps quantity, and a mix of long- and short-form content is advised.

    The 2024 outlook remains positive, with 50% of B2B marketers expecting budget increases and 64% of buyers forecasting 1-24% more funds. Privacy and regulation changes will impact data strategies but will require continued reassessment.

    Achieving maximum ROI involves aligning budgets to revenue-generating activities like social media and leveraging content across channels for amplification. As budgets expand, focusing on business goals must come first, ensuring funds are allocated towards target audience-tailored content that delivers value. With strategic budgeting powering content marketing efforts, B2B brands reinforce integral customer touchpoints.

    B2B Content Marketing Teams in 2024

    B2B marketing teams in 2024 embrace hybrid remote and office models for agility, leaning cross-functional to unite technology with creativity. As strategies grow more data-driven, roles blending analysis with engagement skills shine — from social media and SEM to designers and product content marketers.

    Core creators develop versatile content across platforms. Strategists inform approaches through performance data. Audienced-focused social and media roles communicate value and extend reach. Marketing analysts and managers synthesize insights for optimization and strategy.

    With 66% of highly successful content marketers staffing more specialist roles compared to just 32% of unsuccessful peers, per SEMrush, team investment links to results. Similarly, top-performing sales reps demonstrate sharper objection-handling abilities.

    As B2B marketing and sales blend, staffing evolves teams to balance art and science while uniting digital skills with human creativity, building brand resonance. With ongoing talent shortages, upskilling and retention are crucial for sustainable success.

    Thinking About the Future of B2B Content Marketing Trends

    The future of B2B content marketing centers on relevance, relationships, and results. As AI and data personalization remove friction, customer-centricity will determine success. Video, podcasts, and interactive formats should dominate strategies with purpose and panache.

    Expertise-building also persists as the path to enduring partnerships, not one-off transactions. Budgets will shift further beyond advertising towards community cultivation. Blended teams of analytical marketers, creative technologists, and strategy orchestrators will choreograph experiences with care and personality.

    Ultimately, brands embracing empathy and elevating customers will prosper. Rather than chase ephemeral trends, B2B marketers should focus on understanding buyers, speaking their language, and serving their needs across high-value moments. As boundaries between marketing and sales dissolve through account-based approaches, the future favors those who lead with expertise and treat customers as true partners

    FAQs About B2B Content Marketing Trends

    With B2B content marketing evolving rapidly, many questions arise around strategy best practices and implementation. To clarify key concepts, below are answers to some frequently asked questions:

    What is a B2B content marketing strategy?

    A B2B content marketing strategy encompasses creating, distributing, and optimizing content tailored to engage, nurture, and convert B2B buyer personas across channels. This involves setting goals, mapping customer journeys, outreach marketing, developing audience-relevant assets like blogs, videos, and ebooks, promoting content across owned, earned, and paid media, and continually analyzing performance to improve. A sound strategy aligned with business objectives is vital for success.

    What makes B2B content successful?

    Several factors determine successful B2B content. Firstly, thorough audience research and insight to create relevant, valuable content that targets buyers’ interests and addresses their pain points. Content must also speak to user preferences through various engaging formats, from long-form ebooks to interactive tools. High-quality writing focused on educating over overt selling builds trust. Distribution via multiple owned, shared, and paid channels gives content reach and impact. Most crucially, continual optimization based on in-depth analytics around engagement, lead or demand generation, and sales drives continuous refinement. By providing utility to customers, great content markets itself.

    How do you make B2B content interesting?

    Making B2B content engaging takes creativity and audience understanding. Using storytelling principles grabs attention while balancing data with visuals keeps interest. Interviewing clients or employees adds authentic perspectives; behind-the-scenes company content builds affinity. Interactive formats like assessments, quizzes, and calculators also drive active participation. Content should highlight how products/services solve real problems rather than boasting features: short sections and clear takeaways aid comprehension and recall. Stay conversant and avoid excessive jargon—experiment across platforms, including stackable social content, long-form video explainers, slideshares, etc. Ultimately, the goal is to create content that informs and entertains target buyers by making them the heroes.

    How do you promote B2B content on social media?

    Promoting B2B content on social requires matching content types and messaging to platforms where your audiences are active. For example, longer-form assets can be promoted via direct messaging on LinkedIn and through Groups. Twitter is ideal for driving conversation through polls, newsjacking mentions, or quote tweets. Use Instagram and Facebook for eye-catching graphics, testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content. Ensure visual consistency and optimize posts for visibility. Among many successful content strategies, geo-targeting and flexible network budgets expand reach. 

    What are the benefits of B2B content marketing?

    When executed effectively, B2B content marketing has multifaceted benefits. By consistently publishing relevant content, brands boost organic site traffic, capture more qualified inbound leads, accelerate sales cycles, and build loyalty. Quality content also nurtures audiences across buyer journeys. It establishes thought leadership that positions companies as trusted partners rather than commodity vendors. Useful tools and valuable lead sources boost brand awareness and affinity. 

    What You Need to Remember About B2B Content Marketing Trends

    As technology drives exponential change, success in B2B content marketing requires embracing core tenets – understanding customers, leading with expertise, and aligning formats to strategic goals. While leveraging automation wisely, the human focus endures via relevant messages about each buyer’s priorities and pain points.

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