Apollo vs ZoomInfo: Comparison Guide for 2024

William Cannon
Last updated on April 22, 2024
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    Finding the right sales intelligence platform that meets your budget, requirements, and objectives can be challenging. This 2024 comparison guide analyzes two leading options — Apollo.io and ZoomInfo — to help you determine which solution may be best aligned with your needs. By outlining the core features, integrations, usability, data quality, pricing models, and pros and cons of each platform in a side-by-side format, you can better evaluate their respective strengths and limitations when it comes to enhancing prospecting, outreach campaigns, and go-to-market strategies powered by actionable data.

    What is Apollo.io?

    Apollo.io is an all-in-one B2B sales engagement platform designed to enhance and automate your prospecting and outreach efforts. It provides access to over 275 million business contacts, which you can filter and score to identify qualified leads. Apollo enables you to engage these prospects across multiple channels like email, phone calls, SMS, and AI-powered chatbots.

    Apollo.io Homepage

    Throughout your sales interactions, Apollo captures signals to score leads and inform you of the next steps. It also syncs bi-directionally with your CRM to create a centralized workflow. With robust contact data, built-in workflows, and integration capabilities, Apollo aims to accelerate deals by aligning sales and marketing teams around the right contacts. It serves companies of any size looking to scale outbound processes.

    What is ZoomInfo?

    ZoomInfo is the leading business intelligence platform for sales, marketing, and recruiting teams. Its vast database of over 95 million business contacts and 14 million companies empowers professionals to execute targeted go-to-market strategies. The platform provides comprehensive firmographic and technographic data, buying signals, and contact details to identify and connect with relevant prospects. 


    Users can generate quality leads, enrich customer data, create personalized outreach campaigns, and track engagement seamlessly within ZoomInfo or by integrating it with their existing stack, like CRM and inside sales software. Whether you need to accelerate sales cycles, boost lead conversion, expand market reach, or source top talent, ZoomInfo equips you with actionable data and insights to help achieve your growth objectives.

    Apollo vs ZoomInfo Comparison Guide 

    While both platforms aim to fuel revenue growth through contact data and workflow automation, Apollo.io provides an affordable all-in-one platform for small teams. In contrast, ZoomInfo offers customized enterprise bundles powered by unmatched data depth and integration capabilities for large, complex organizations. This guide contrasts their features, data quality, integrations, usability, and pricing to help identify which solution best aligns to your business needs and budget.

    Key Features

    Apollo.io and ZoomInfo are leading sales intelligence platforms with complementary strengths. While both enrich contacts and automate workflows, Apollo provides end-to-end revenue capabilities powered by AI, whereas ZoomInfo focuses more narrowly on unrivaled contact data and CRM integration. 


    Apollo.io’s main features include:

    • Prospect & Enrich: Gives access to 275M+ contacts that can be filtered with 65+ criteria to identify qualified leads, like ZoomInfo. However, Apollo provides more filters for precise targeting based on attributes like job changes and hierarchical relationships.
    • Sales Engagement: Enables outreach across email lists, phone numbers, SMS, chatbots, and social media. Additionally, Apollo’s AI powers messaging and sequencing to increase connect rates.
    • End-to-End Workflows: Automates repetitive sales tasks while leveraging AI for deal insights and revenue analytics. Though ZoomInfo has sales automation, Apollo takes a more comprehensive approach from prospecting to closing.
    • Security & Compliance: Apollo exhibits GDPR compliance and SOC 2 + ISO 27001 certified to ensure proper data governance.


    Whereas ZoomInfo’s core capabilities revolve around:

    • Lead Builder and Filtering: Gives access to 95M+ contacts and 14M+ companies that can be segmented with filters and are known for unparalleled data depth and accuracy.
    • Integration: Seamlessly embeds ZoomInfo’s quality data and tools into CRM and marketing automation platforms, boosting efficiency.
    • Data Enrichment: Automatically fills missing or outdated contact info in CRM to ensure accuracy.
    • Intent Data and Alerts: Identifies high-intent buyers through search topics and sites visited to drive relevant outreach—broader intent coverage than Apollo.

    Apollo is an end-to-end sales solution suitable for any revenue team. ZoomInfo offers robust data and automation to accelerate sales, suited for mid-market and enterprise.

    Data Quality & Coverage

    When it comes to the foundation of any sales and marketing platform, the quality and breadth of data is paramount. Apollo.io and ZoomInfo obtain robust contact and company research to fuel prospecting and outreach initiatives. However, they leverage different sources and verification processes that inform coverage and accuracy.


    Apollo.io gathers data from:

    • Contributor Network: 1.6 million+ data partners submitting actionable sales intelligence
    • Email Tools: Monitoring email list engagement and activity
    • Public Sources: Crawling additional data points
    • 3rd Party B2B Data Providers: Vetted for quality

    This multi-sided approach allows Apollo to deliver 275M+ contacts and achieve 91% email accuracy. The platform enriches records with demographic, firmographic, and intent signals. Apollo also refreshes data monthly and updates in real-time upon capturing buying signals.


    Comparatively, ZoomInfo leverages:

    • Contributory Network: Submission of first-party sales data
    • Advanced Web Crawling: Proprietary techniques to gather intelligence
    • While less transparent about sources, ZoomInfo provides 321M+ contacts and 105M+ companies globally. Though accuracy rates are not published, ZoomInfo asserts unmatched scale and quality. Offerings span 174M+ emails, 94M+ mobile numbers, and 70M+ direct dials.

    In summary, Apollo.io promotes transparency in its contributor-fueled data ecosystem, specificity around accuracy, and real-time refresh capabilities. ZoomInfo appears more opacity to safeguard its data science but suggests that its breadth of records, contact information, and intelligence is market-leading.


    In today’s intricate martech stacks, seamless integrations are pivotal for sales and marketing teams to interoperate systems efficiently. Apollo.io and ZoomInfo recognize this demand by embedding their data and tools across the modern tech landscape. However, they take different approaches based on their specialties.


    Apollo.io Integrations

    Apollo.io focuses its integrations on connecting the dots across critical sales processes:

    • Salesforce: Syncs Apollo’s contact database bi-directionally so reps can access annotated records directly within Salesforce for continuity.
    • HubSpot: Automates the handoff of early-stage leads from Apollo into HubSpot CRM for nurture tracking.
    • LinkedIn: Allows one-click importing of LinkedIn profiles into Apollo for swift social selling prep.
    • Gmail & Outlook: Embeds email tracking and logging natively into these clients to maintain visibility.


    ZoomInfo Marketplace

    Whereas ZoomInfo centers its integrations around amplifying intelligence:

    • Salesforce: Enriches Salesforce data with ZoomInfo’s actionable firmographic and technographic insights.
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365: Injects ZoomInfo intelligence directly into Dynamics for a 360-degree view of contacts.
    • Marketo & HubSpot: Feeds actionable data into workflows to refine targeting and personalization
    • Slack: Provides real-time alerts on buying signals and content consumption for rapid response.

    In summary, Apollo.io links systems to streamline the execution of outbound sales processes end-to-end. This benefits customers seeking an integrated hub for orchestrating revenue operations seamlessly. Conversely, ZoomInfo permeates leading platforms with unmatched data to optimize targeting and engagement. It is ideal for enterprises with expansive stacks that ZoomInfo’s intelligence layer can amplify.


    When adopting any new sales tool, usability is paramount for driving user adoption and ROI. Both Apollo.io and ZoomInfo aim to offer intuitive interfaces that allow users to navigate their robust capabilities with ease.


    A core strength of Apollo.io is its unified platform, consolidating functionalities from prospecting to closing. While this enhances continuity, it can lengthen the learning curve to leverage the end-to-end offerings compared to more focused tools. However, Apollo facilitates onboarding with built-in tips and training resources. Customization is flexible as well to tailor workflows. Apollo also handles extensive data sets smoothly for speed.


    Similarly, ZoomInfo provides easy access to data through its simple search-driven interface to find targeted company intel quickly. Advanced features like predictive lead scoring take more upskilling, though. To accelerate mastery, ZoomInfo offers thorough onboarding guidance and 24/7 support. Users can also customize lead routing automation and data integration settings, among other options. With cutting-edge infrastructure, ZoomInfo delivers swift performance for data retrieval and alert triggers, which are capable of massive workloads.

    Ultimately, Apollo.io trades focused speed for cross-function continuity, while ZoomInfo prioritizes intelligence accessibility, empowering data-driven decisions in the flow of work. Both platforms invest heavily in usability via customization, learning resources, and robust engineering.

    Plans & Pricing

    Apollo.io and ZoomInfo take divergent approaches to packaging and pricing their sales intelligence platforms. Apollo.io offers transparent self-service tiers for solopreneurs up to mid-market teams, enabling bottom-up adoption. At the same time, ZoomInfo employs customized enterprise bundles sold via field sales, catering to large consolidated buyers.


    Apollo.io embraces low-barrier adoption with a free forever tier allowing basic access, which is ideal for solopreneurs validating the tool. Three paid self-service plans scale features and credits accommodating small to mid-market teams. Apollo’s pricing tiers provide incremental sales functionality from sequences to call recording. Larger enterprises can also request custom packages.

    • Free Plan: $0/month. 50 monthly emails, basic filters, and Gmail integration.
    • Basic Plan: $49/user/month ($39 annually). 500 monthly emails, advanced filters, sequences, and more integrations.
    • Professional Plan: $99/user/month ($79 annually). Unlimited emails, 50 mobile numbers, dialer, call recording, A/B testing.
    • Custom Plan: Starting at $6,000/year (base) + $1,200 per additional seat/year. Data enrichment, call transcription, API access.


    In contrast, ZoomInfo employs an enterprise sales model offering tailored bundles oriented toward business functions. Since ZoomInfo plans are bespoke to each customer’s headcount, use cases, and integrations, pricing is customized during sales rather than publicly listed.

    However, the following detailed pricing information provides a starting point for understanding ZoomInfo’s pricing structure.

    • SalesOS: While ZoomInfo employs custom pricing for its SalesOS, the base offering for ZoomInfo packages starts at $14,995 per year for the Professional plan. SalesOS is focused on optimizing the sales process and driving revenue growth through buyer insights, predictive lead scoring, and workflow automation. It provides sales teams with essential tools for accelerating the opportunity pipeline and engaging effectively with prospects.
    • MarketingOS: Similar to SalesOS, MarketingOS operates on custom pricing. The foundational Professional plan, which could serve as a base for MarketingOS, begins at $14,995 annually. MarketingOS aims to enhance campaign targeting and conversion rate optimization with comprehensive contact data, intent signals, and analytics, helping marketers to achieve a higher ROI on their campaigns.
    • TalentOS: As with the other offerings, TalentOS is based on custom pricing tailored to the specific needs of recruiting teams. The initial pricing for packages that could align with TalentOS functionalities also starts at $14,995 per year under the Professional plan. TalentOS is designed to streamline recruiting efforts through extensive insights into talent pools, candidate insights, hiring metrics, and pipeline analytics, making it easier for HR professionals to source qualified candidates and enable diversity hiring.

    Apollo.io favors expansion through product-led bottom-up growth, appealing to decentralized purchasing with transparent pricing. ZoomInfo instead concentrates on serving large consolidated buyers via field sales customization. So, Apollo.io’s self-service plans can enable testing before committing to budget. While ZoomInfo provides solutions realized through cost consulting.

    ZoomInfo vs Apollo: Pros and Cons

    Apollo.io and ZoomInfo have complementary strengths and weaknesses when it comes to sales intelligence capabilities and adoption factors like usability, support, and affordability.

    ZoomInfo Pros and Cons

    ZoomInfo stands out for its extensive database, seamless CRM integrations, and predictive insights but faces cost and learning curve barriers.


    • Vast database of 95M+ contacts and 14M+ companies
    • High-quality, accurate data for effective outreach
    • User-friendly interface and usability
    • Robust integrations with 500+ business apps
    • Predictive lead scoring and actionable insights


    • Expensive pricing that may limit adoption
    • Some gaps in contact data completeness
    • The steep learning curve for advanced features

    Apollo.io Pros and Cons

    Apollo.io shines for its transparent pricing, intuitive interface, and all-in-one platform but has faced some data coverage and security concerns.


    • Very affordable and transparent pricing
    • Accuracy of contact data praised by users
    • Simple and intuitive interface for usability
    • Generous free tier to get started
    • All-in-one platform approach


    • Limitations in data coverage, especially in smaller firms
    • Periodic latency issues during peak usage
    • Some concerns noted around data security practices
    • Support responsiveness has faced criticism

    ZoomInfo wins for data breadth and quality, while Apollo.io’s leading edge is low-cost accessibility. Both aim to enable sales and marketing but may face gaps in certain data elements. Ultimately, the ideal choice depends on budget, use case complexity and price prioritization versus intelligence depth.

    Apollo vs ZoomInfo: The Bottom Line

    Apollo.io and ZoomInfo address distinct needs in the sales intelligence market. Apollo.io offers an affordable, all-in-one revenue growth platform for small and midsize teams, while ZoomInfo provides premium, customized data and insights for large enterprises with complex sales processes to optimize

    Choose Apollo.io If You’re Seeking Affordability and an All-in-One Platform

    Choose Apollo.io if you want an affordable, unified sales platform suitable for early-stage growth and small to midsize teams. Its combination of accurate data, lead engagement tools, and workflow automation in a single intuitive interface can accelerate revenue operations for budget-conscious businesses. While more limited in depth than ZoomInfo, Apollo.io’s transparency and generous free tier facilitate accessible adoption.

    Choose ZoomInfo If You Require Extensive Data and Advanced Features

    Conversely, choose ZoomInfo if you require enterprise-grade data breadth, advanced segmentation, and real-time insights to inform sales, marketing, and recruiting strategies. Albeit at a premium cost, ZoomInfo’s unmatched intelligence derived from 95M+ contacts and 14M+ companies empowers nuanced targeting and outreach. With predictive recommendations and robust CRM integrations, ZoomInfo brings propensity modeling and workflow efficiency to revenue teams within complex organizations.

    In short, Apollo.io streamlines outbound selling for high-velocity small businesses, while ZoomInfo fuels insight-driven decisions for large enterprises. Evaluate your budget, headcount, use cases, and data needs to determine the best fit. However, both platforms aim to enhance go-to-market execution.

    Neither Tool a Good Fit? UpLead is the All-in-One Alternative

    If Apollo and ZoomInfo fall short or prove cost-prohibitive, UpLead will emerge as the all-in-one competitor, combining robust data and an intuitive interface at a reasonable price. UpLead shines for:

    • Transparent pricing and buying options benefiting SMBs
    • Verified data quality via automation and human oversight
    • Simple and straightforward UI accelerating user adoption
    • 50+ advanced filters enabling targeted lead segmentation
    • Free trial to experience value firsthand, risk-free

    By blending accurate, actionable intelligence with sales workflow features into an accessible platform, UpLead allows pre- and post-revenue teams to execute effective growth strategies that are aligned with their budget. Sign up for a complimentary trial.

    FAQs About Apollo vs ZoomInfo

    When deciding between Apollo.io and ZoomInfo, it’s essential to consider various factors such as data quality, coverage, usability, and pricing. Here’s a brief overview to help you make an informed decision.

    Is Apollo better than ZoomInfo?

    Apollo beats ZoomInfo in affordability, while ZoomInfo wins in data breadth. So Apollo suits cost-conscious teams, while ZoomInfo powers larger enterprises.

    Why not use ZoomInfo?

    Potential reasons to avoid ZoomInfo are high pricing, some data inaccuracies, and overkill for early-stage needs.

    Is Apollo.io worth it?

    Apollo provides substantial value with sales automation, accurate data, and robust features at a reasonable price point for many growing businesses, making it a worthwhile investment.

    What You Need to Remember About ZoomInfo vs Apollo

    Both Apollo.io and ZoomInfo offer robust capabilities to accelerate revenue growth but suit different use cases. Apollo equips high-velocity SMBs with an end-to-end sales platform optimizing outbound processes at an affordable price point. Meanwhile, ZoomInfo powers complex organizations with unmatched data breadth and predictive insights to inform strategy-led selling motions.

    Apollo checks the boxes for cost-conscious scaling teams, while data-driven enterprises need ZoomInfo’s intelligence layer. If neither fits, explore UpLead as the data provider to source contact data alternatives, blending top capabilities at reasonable pricing.

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