Here’s How to Generate Legal Leads (for Attorneys)

Will Cannon
Last updated on September 10, 2024
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    If you’re an attorney, you need legal leads like anyone else. Luckily, there are many ways to generate the legal leads you need.

    Here, we’ll go through the best ways to generate legal leads, both free and paid. We’ll review and compare tools and techniques to generate legal leads. That way, you’ll be able to choose the best method of generating all the legal leads you need.

    Let’s get started.

    What Are Legal Leads?

    Legal leads usually refer to users’ contact information who could become potential clients for an attorney or a legal firm.

    These leads usually have at least the person’s name and information. Better legal leads will also offer a complete profile of the person to allow users to tailor their marketing strategy toward them.

    Since legal leads can often be converted into life-long customers, good legal leads can be expensive to generate. Multiple tools can help users generate legal leads at lower prices, often sacrificing data and lead quality in exchange for a lower price.

    Legal Leads for Attorneys: How Does This Work?

    There are multiple tools and techniques to generate legal leads for attorneys. Users can generate leads through paid solutions, marketing efforts, or a combination of both.

    Paid solutions are the fastest way to generate legal leads, although they can quickly become expensive. These solutions include pay-per-click (PPC) advertisement, website, and content marketing, as well as lead generation tools. Whereas marketing and advertisement count on users to make the first step, lead generation tools can proactively and effectively generate legal leads.

    Users may also generate legal leads through free techniques, like referrals, content creation, search engine optimization, and more. While these techniques are often cheap and can be effective, they will likely take longer to generate leads.

    How to Find (or Buy) Legal Leads

    Here are some of the best ways to find or buy leads in the legal category:

    Lead Generation Software

    UpLead is a B2B lead generation software that provides high quality B2B contact & company data.

    Lead generation software is a great option to generate legal leads quickly. You can immediately get the leads you need with them, making them key for smaller or new firms.

    With tools like UpLead, you must look for leads who match the persona of someone who likely needs legal services. Simply use UpLead’s search criteria to search its database of more than 160 million leads. Once you’ve collected the needed leads, you can engage them through personalized marketing strategies. Or search for Attorney Email Lists here.

    UpLead allows you to browse its comprehensive database using multiple search criteria to find the right users or businesses needing legal assistance. Just filter searches to find potential individuals or businesses according to their location, company size, job title, and technology. That way, you can quickly find users likely to need legal services and proactively offer your services to them.

    With UpLead, you also pay far less per lead than with PPC ads, referral systems, and many other tools and techniques used to generate leads.

    Unlike many other lead generation tools, UpLead helps you generate qualified legal leads with data you can trust. UpLead’s data is backed by a 95% accuracy guarantee, and it verifies all emails in real time before downloading them. That way, you know you’re only paying for the highest-quality leads.

    You can also use UpLead’s vibrant profiles to quickly and organically get to know your leads, which will help to develop a strong attorney-client relationship.

    Already have a list of leads? Use UpLead to enrich your data to easily segment your audience and tailor your email marketing efforts according to their persona and user intent.

    Try UpLead today and see if it’s a good fit for you.

    Start Your 7-Day Free UpLead Trial

    Lead generation doesn’t have to be all that painful. With UpLead, you can easily connect with high-quality prospects and leads to grow your company.

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    Legal Lead Generation Companies

    Here are some lead generation tools that specialize in legal leads:


    Avvo is a consumer information website that specializes in providing data about practicing attorneys

    As one of the largest legal lead generation tools, Avvo uses multiple online marketing methods to attract users needing legal advice to their websites and connect them to lawyers and law firms.

    Avvo offers a free Q&A service to get answers to simple legal queries from lawyers as a free consultation. It also features a lawyer directory for new clients to find attorneys and law firms that are convenient for them.

    The platform also offers a novel lawyer review system, allowing potential legal clients to get insight from others who have used the legal services they seek.

    These features allow attorneys to connect with quality leads. However, the platform has gotten into trouble because of its limited rating system, and Avvo signs lawyers up without their consent. Once they’ve been added, getting deleted is not an option.

    These downsides often lead attorneys to look for more open and personalized solutions to access exclusive legal leads.

    Unbundled Attorney

    Unbundled Attorney is a newer player in the world of pay per lead services for attorneys

    Another tool specializing in quality leads for attorneys is Unbundled Attorney. This small company offers unbundled legal services and only serves certain practice areas.

    Since the platform offers exclusive leads for attorneys, users don’t have to worry about another law firm competing for the same lead. The platform also focuses on lead education, which helps diminish the cost per lead.

    However, its limited scope makes it useful only to certain kinds of attorneys, and its higher prices may also limit the kind of law firm that can benefit from its services.

    Social Networks

    Kirkland and Ellis Twitter Profile

    Social networks are vital for any law firm, big or small, to connect with the right attorney leads and position their services to provide legal advice to the right clients.

    With social media, you can position your firm to ensure potential clients remember it when they need legal help. They can also be used to proactively look for attorney leads by offering services to users looking for compensation for a personal injury or those likely to suffer from an auto accident.

    Although social networks may not provide lead generation in all areas, they’re still an effective legal marketing tool.


    Quora Legal Advice

    Quora can be used as another lead marketing tool to find clients proactively. Its search features allow you to find questions related to legal matters and connect potential clients to your firm online.

    Fortunately, Quora makes it easy for potential clients and attorneys to connect in its Legal Advice section, where users can ask legal questions and get basic advice.

    Once you’ve fully optimized your profile and developed a reputation, users can even request your input on new questions, making it a good tool to generate leads passively.


    Lastly, one of the best ways for any law firm to get leads is through referrals from existing clients. To get effective referrals, you first need to provide great customer service. If you delight your clients, they’ll be more likely to refer you to others and give positive reviews of your services online. 

    You can use a CRM to keep track of all clients and make it easier to provide personalized, high-quality support. CRMs will also give you valuable data to help you improve customer satisfaction and follow up with clients who had great experiences to remind them to refer your legal firm to their friends and acquaintances. 

    Other attorneys can also refer. You can connect with multiple attorneys in multiple fields through referral arrangements, creating a network that can fulfill all legal needs.

    FAQ on Legal Leads

    Here are the answers to some common questions regarding legal leads:

    What is a legal lead?

    Legal leads refer to users in need of a law firm or attorney. With lead generation and marketing solutions, these legal or attorney leads can be generated in multiple ways, both passively and proactively.

    How much do lawyers pay for leads?

    On average, PPL advertising will cost between $3 and $10 USD per lead, which is considered very cost-efficient. Attorneys can also use lead generation solutions like UpLead to generate high-quality leads faster and at a lower cost per lead.

    How do I generate legal leads?

    The easiest and fastest way to generate legal leads is by using lead generation tools. These tools allow users to generate lists of leads that match the persona of someone needing legal assistance.

    Users may also use social media, blog posts, online forums, and referrals to ensure quality lead generation and enrich their marketing efforts.


    As we’ve seen, multiple ways exist to get quality legal leads. If you want to generate legal leads faster, try online lead-generation tools like UpLead. With a vast database and data accuracy guarantee, you can quickly weed out bad leads and ensure you’re populating your marketing solutions with the right leads.

    Try UpLead today, and see if it’s the right fit for you.

    Start Your 7-Day Free UpLead Trial

    Lead generation doesn’t have to be all that painful. With UpLead, you can easily connect with high-quality prospects and leads to grow your company.

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